Enjoy Life – Enjoy Yourself
When we embark on the journey of self discovery, the process may be frightening.
Examining our lives means facing our own demons, acknowledging our mistakes and shortcomings, and sometimes making difficult changes.
But it’s the only way to ensure that we’re not just going through the motions, but we’re actively shaping our own destiny.

Read, watch and listen
In my latest podcast episode, I reflect on the concept of attachment, inspired by Buddhist philosophy. I discuss how attachment to outcomes and self-perception can hinder personal growth and create unnecessary anxiety. The key takeaway is that understanding and embracing detachment can lead to a more fulfilling and liberating life.
never enough
obsessed with gear and endless tutorials, I find myself caught in the whirlwind of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) and the constant thirst for knowledge
here comes anger
my journey of emotional turmoil and creative exploration and question the impact of his work, wondering if his images truly touch lives. In this a new concept emerges – the fusion of photography with mental health. I envision my images as companions for those navigating emotional struggles, much like music has been for me.
between content creator, artist and enthusiast
I am contemplating the roles of a content creator, artist, and photography enthusiast as I found myself at the crossroads of my photography journey.
personal projects
art encourages us to believe in our ability to bring transformation in our lives and evolve from being a mere creator to becoming a catalyst for positive change through their artistic work.
to see with the heart
Taking pictures allows us to see with the heart everyday and notice what is going on around us and who we are.
two kinds of failure
We all stumble in life, but failures don’t define us. In fact, how we deal with the challenges that life throws at us makes it failure or a life’s lesson.
blow up
In the mesmerizing aura of “Blow Up,” I found myself pondering the true essence of my photography and what it means to me.
passion, practice and curiousity
What makes us drive to seek excellence in our work and artistic journey – Balancing Obsession and Growth
creating a cycle of life energy
The energy we put into life has an impact on what we will receive out of it. We can build a cycle of life energy by the actions we sent into the world