Category: Conscious Photography
a reason to press the shutter
Photography is more than just a technical endeavour; it’s about finding resonance with the world. It’s about curiosity, emotion, and inspiration. It’s about challenging preconceptions, playing with light and composition, and ultimately, connecting with our inner selves and the world around us.
never enough
obsessed with gear and endless tutorials, I find myself caught in the whirlwind of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) and the constant thirst for knowledge
personal projects
art encourages us to believe in our ability to bring transformation in our lives and evolve from being a mere creator to becoming a catalyst for positive change through their artistic work.
to see with the heart
Taking pictures allows us to see with the heart everyday and notice what is going on around us and who we are.
two kinds of failure
We all stumble in life, but failures don’t define us. In fact, how we deal with the challenges that life throws at us makes it failure or a life’s lesson.